
Showing posts from January, 2009

Friday Night...

Hit up 7-11 after sitting in work for 2 1/2 hours of traffic... Awesome..... NOT!!! Anyway got started late after watching RockinRolla (when the fuck did this come out on DVD) cool movie nonetheless, typical Guy Ritchie fashion.... So yeah bolt this thing in to mock up the wires. Got the dremel out to widen the holes on the right side, and will also play with some more stuff, trimmed the lexan up a bit and rounded the edges. Just need to sort out the rest of the wiring for the relays so I can determine how many I am going to order to replace the stock ones, but I will use the stock one's in the meantime. I'll have another update for the end of this weekend, going to try and accomplish a lot.

Busy week, Busy week.

So I spent the week picking at my fusebox tuck here and there. The box has all of the wires I have removed, and all of the electric tape, and fuse/relay holders that were a part of the harness previously. And you can see where I have labeled the plugs by their names in the service manual. Still have some relays left to dismantle and relocate. Here is the new fusebox and me marking items off on the fsm. This is my friday night, all of the relay and fusebox wiring is moved off to this side, and all of the wire ends I had to cut are thrown in that postal box so I can re-use them again if need be or just for reference purposes. I've been told a lot of wires are the same color but I have yet to run into that. I have located the actual turn signal plugs which I will have to run their wires back to the fusebox relay. It was almost impossible to de-pin this plug, as much as I tried to get the retainer strip out of the center I could not. So I took the easy way out. The only setback this re...