I've been wanting a mid mount setup for some time now. I finally ponied up for the PSM mid mount intercooler kit. I was really excited to get this in the mail after seeing so many other people who purchased the kit. Maybe I selected some boxes I shouldn't have when checking out, I'm not too sure. You'll see in a bit. Jeff is just hours away from firing his car up for the first time in almost a year it seems. So I decided to put the mid mount intercooler setup in, all of the hardware was included for the install. T-bolt clamps, couplers, piping, intercooler. Would've been nice if they threw in a hose for the IACV as well, going to have fun picking up one that won't kink. Daily scaring from driving at formula d height. This would be x2 if I was a half inch lower. Here are some close up's of my daily driving battle damage, my brother is going to hate me when I have this repaired. Just need a more friction tolerant surface in place. ...