Preparing for Nisei 2012
I will be showing my car at the I mport Showoff Nisei 2012 show , while I don't plan on getting any awards or a sweet magazine shoot offer (because my engine bay looks like a bag of dicks and I don't have fake racing seats and red fake bride fabric stitched everywhere). I do plan on seeing a bunch of friends and getting sunburnt. Repainting all of the aero, and my garage S hood I think it's a little excessive, maybe I'll do zipties in the back, or something because taking off my wheels just to remove 4 screws to take my my bumper and side skirts was SUUUUUUUUUPER annoying. how long before I get a cop to fuck with me for this plate setup, no lights. Donked the fuck out. LOL! the wheels look like 20's now. Car height hasn't changed at all, but that's basically how low the vertex lang kit would sit, without it on I have so much ground clearance it's retarded. I feel like i'm driving a sporty suv now. I have a few odd's and ends I n...