Modifications: if you fail to plan, you can plan to fail...
So I have a 240sx, and at the same time it's like March I'm moving into a 4 bedroom house with 3 of my high school pals and so far I am just enjoying the car, getting used to having an rwd (rear-wheel drive) vehicle now.
I got in contact with Luiz Gonzales aka Luizgonz. Since he was the last person who worked on the car and it had a motor he previously owned in it's engine bay. I figured he would be the best person to give me an assessment of what I'm getting into with this car. I didn't really know what to look for on the car. I knew that the roof eventually needed to be replaced and when I have the coin to buy new and nicer seats, but that is the least of my concerns.
I knew that the radiator support needed to be replaced, the fender wells need to be repaired, there is some rust on the front end. All of these things may be redundantly repeated throughout my blog. But one things for sure I saw this car and I saw many other nicer cars in the same price range, something about this car just reached out to me and said.
"help me"
The previous owner Tim was big on telling me how the car was a show car and they just threw the parts on it to display at hot import nights since he is like a sales rep for some shitty aero company out here in California (cough vis racing sports).
Here she is the night I brought her home!
My impressions are that they are really cool. A few months down the line though they got annoying because I couldn't close them, apparently washing your car washes the oil on them off needed to slide open and close, so a quick shot of wd 40 and bam! like new.
I'm still pretty new to 240's but I figured I would eventually devise a plan on getting this thing decent someday, it's going to require a lot of reading as the engine bay is pretty fucking intimidating. Especially the emissions system....
So it's about time I plan on what is going on with this car after checking out some other setups!
I got in contact with Luiz Gonzales aka Luizgonz. Since he was the last person who worked on the car and it had a motor he previously owned in it's engine bay. I figured he would be the best person to give me an assessment of what I'm getting into with this car. I didn't really know what to look for on the car. I knew that the roof eventually needed to be replaced and when I have the coin to buy new and nicer seats, but that is the least of my concerns.
I knew that the radiator support needed to be replaced, the fender wells need to be repaired, there is some rust on the front end. All of these things may be redundantly repeated throughout my blog. But one things for sure I saw this car and I saw many other nicer cars in the same price range, something about this car just reached out to me and said.
"help me"
The previous owner Tim was big on telling me how the car was a show car and they just threw the parts on it to display at hot import nights since he is like a sales rep for some shitty aero company out here in California (cough vis racing sports).
Here she is the night I brought her home!
The engine in the car was really strong, I know it only is rated at 155 hp but this car just endlessly pulled, the only thing about it that sucks is the speed tops out at 120mph. But after driving a Honda Fit for a year, anything with some TQ is like a mind fuck to say the least.
My first modification for the car was going to be to ditch those horrid ass hood pins. Since anyone could just walk up and unlatch them and unbolt the hood and have at anything in the engine bay they desire... I ordered some aerocatch hood latches for the car so I could ditch the sparco hood pins previously on it.
My first modification for the car was going to be to ditch those horrid ass hood pins. Since anyone could just walk up and unlatch them and unbolt the hood and have at anything in the engine bay they desire... I ordered some aerocatch hood latches for the car so I could ditch the sparco hood pins previously on it.
My impressions are that they are really cool. A few months down the line though they got annoying because I couldn't close them, apparently washing your car washes the oil on them off needed to slide open and close, so a quick shot of wd 40 and bam! like new.
I'm still pretty new to 240's but I figured I would eventually devise a plan on getting this thing decent someday, it's going to require a lot of reading as the engine bay is pretty fucking intimidating. Especially the emissions system....
So it's about time I plan on what is going on with this car after checking out some other setups!