Tuner Life

Good thing I like buying silly shit for the car I built with my own money while living on my own. You know the opposites of the kids who gotta have that flush fitment, tire stretch, even boso look while living with their parents to satisfy the masses of internet nerds to get that online approval.

click the link to get RAD just like Simone aka Black Dynomite
Enough with the negativity, got some swag in the mail. (notice how I used swag as a noun and not as an adjective as I am not turning swag on, I simply got something cool thus it is swag.) That is the proper way to use a word that shouldn't exist or be said unless you want to get punched in the mouth at a social gathering by me.

I'll update this with a picture of them on my car, although the picture will look like shit since my camera hates my wheels and makes them look like ketchup red instead of candy apple red.

My friend Ib also said that I should change the JDM part to WTE and add a "HATES YOUR CAR" to the sticker since I don't really like a lot of other cars out there. I'm an asshole like that I guess, it's not an ego thing.

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