My Bad!

I actually got a PM on one of the car sites I browse asking whats up with my car because I haven't made any new posts, etc. I guess I should share some things with you guys.

I was driving to work the other night and noticed my hood started to come up, to think another nut came loose on my hood pin was rather annoying, until I pulled over and saw this. (picture obviously taken a day later)

Only me... 
When I stopped over at Jordan Innovations to let them test fit some hoods our favorite intern JB tweaked this pin a little trying to keep it still with a screwdriver through the hole. And rotating the nut, I guess he didn't notice that the top of the pin was tweaked. It's not a big deal, I mentioned it to Jeff and he bent the guy back into place but apparently that's enough tension to cause these things to snap.

So fyi, if you ever need to do maintenance on your hood pins or adjust them. NEVER PUT ANYTHING THROUGH THE HOLE THE PIN GOES THROUGH OTHER THAN THE PIN ITSELF or you'll end up with an expensive problem on your hands.

I had to think of some McGuyver shit, I didn't have any tools on me at the time, I was halfway to work and halfway from home either way I can't drive the car with the hood coming up because it may cause the other pin to give. So I grabbed some electrical tape and put some of that "speedhunters" shit to use and started taping up gaps in the fenders where air can enter (that would cause the hood to rise)

Andrew Brilliant would hang his head in shame! 
So this is what I came up with, it actually held pretty good for speeds up to 80mph for my drive home, worse case scenario since the hood is only held on by half inch screws by the wiper cowl if it flys up, it would break right off and fly into traffic. At that point I would get my risky devil on, and keep on driving, giving ZERO fucks that this piece of shit hood has met it's demise. 

I got basic maintenance to do to the car, and still need to purchase all of my subframe upgrades and some new front tires for the lxz's to get them mounted once and for all, but shit is always coming up. I swear if I wasn't doing crossfit I probably would've had this car a lot closer to where I'd want it. But I've been so focused on dieting, training, and playing computer games that I could care less about modding my car. 

I'm actually more excited to buy some upgrades for my computer. But that's another story all together. Anyway just wanted to give you guys a heads up. This blog is about building my car, not about hype or shit going on at shows that has nothing to do with my garage. So that's why you don't get everyday content from me concerning this ole piece of shit. 

Thanks for stopping by, 


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