Cluster Vent DIY or don't

I had this footage of me modifying my cluster surround to add the vent for the digital climate controls cabin temperature sensor. Only to find out after I spent hours working on this that someone made a 3d printed insert I could've just put in my cluster surround instead. Now that I've kind of done the work I'm proud of how it came out for my first attempt at plastic welding so I'll just keep it as is since I've already spent the money and time. 

I don't think it looks horrible or too out of place, and as always I'd like to try a different interior texture paint with the leather stamping method to eventually refinish this piece. 

Slapped this quick video together for those curious about plastic welding because I know a lot of 240sx owners end up getting cracks in their gas tanks and this is how you would repair them. By plastic welding them shut. Or using bondo or whatever, I just feel plastic welding fuses the existing material back together vs adding a foreign material. 

If you're not already subscribed to my youtube and could do me the small favor of subbing and dropping a like I'd appreciate it. 


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