Tuesday : Paint Prep Day 2
taking the doors apart fucking sucks so much ass, and this is just the easy stuff. Just wait until I get to where I am removing weather stripping and crap, just the thought of it makes me cringe. =( to remove your door handle, the best way to do this is to remove your window. While you can technically get the door handle installed with the window in the car still. Trust me, I've done it and you will end up breaking the retainer clips for all of the stupid rods needed to open and close your doors. first you want to take a 12 socket to this guy right here and take him off completely, there are two more to the right of him you can loosen and just slide down. You'll see it if you attempt it those are the other two... with power windows you will want to move the windows up a tad so you can get the two 10mm bolts holding on the glass. here and here and then move that green retainer clip off of the rod w/o breaking it, otherwise prepare to buy a new one or hope you're a master at ...